Lots of ways to say it but one message stays the same -- we wish you a most wonderful holiday season. See you back here in the new year!
images clockwise from top left
1. Merry and Bright cards from Paper Source
2. Hi Christmas screen print from Keep Calm Gallery
3. Warmest Wishes cards from Paper Source
4. Peace screen print from Keep Calm Gallery
5. Color Wheel cards from Paper Source
6. Warm and Cozy cards from Paper Source
7. Christmas Subway Art from eighteen25, first spotted here on Pinterest
8. DIY Dreidel card from Paper Source
1. Merry and Bright cards from Paper Source
2. Hi Christmas screen print from Keep Calm Gallery
3. Warmest Wishes cards from Paper Source
4. Peace screen print from Keep Calm Gallery
5. Color Wheel cards from Paper Source
6. Warm and Cozy cards from Paper Source
7. Christmas Subway Art from eighteen25, first spotted here on Pinterest
8. DIY Dreidel card from Paper Source
What do you mean I have to wait a week to read my favorite blog? :)